Introducing Michael St-Amour: Reflexologist & Master Woodworker

Introducing Michael St-Amour: Reflexologist & Master Woodworker

This article was originally published in the 2024 Reflexology Across America Magazine


Michael St-Amour is the creator and owner of Extraordinary Wood Designs. When he was a young boy, Michael was taught to be a craftsman, and he has been creating and inventing ever since. He has become an artisan at woodworking of all sorts. With his master woodworking skills, he has created unique and beautiful hand and foot rollers that benefit thousands of people today.

He also has a passion for alternative health solutions, and as part of that, he became interested in reflexology in 1992. He continued to learn, and in 2004, he was certified as a reflexologist. During this learning period, he purchased many foot rollers, but he was never satisfied with the way they felt. Some were too aggressive, and some just were not effective, so he decided to create his own in his extensive woodworking shop.

Once he finished his first foot rollers, he tested them himself, and then had family and friends test them as well. They all loved the benefits. He realized that he needed something for his hands and discovered that hand rollers were
virtually nonexistent. Back to the workshop he went. He created a line of hand rollers and continued to improve his foot rollers.

Please note that rollers are not intended to replace reflexologists. They are intended to complement their work. Hand rollers can be beneficial for relaxing the hands, making them more flexible, and having a calming effect. Customers
have called hand rollers “a fidget with benefits.” Michael is continually updating and improving his product line. He has also developed a tool called EZ Reach, which allows the user to hone in on specific areas of feet that most rollers cannot reach
(i.e.,sides and top of the foot) . Perhaps many of you saw Michael’s display at the recent RAA conference in Portsmouth, where this was demonstrated, along with several new concepts. He has also developed a platform roller system using multiple rollers that allow the user to work on both feet at the same time. The rollers can also be adjusted to roll both the top and the bottom of the feet simultaneously.

Michael’s website is, He has also created several videos on YouTube, which you can reach with the following link:

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